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+93: Afghanistan
+355: Albania
+213: Algeria
+376: Andorra
+244: Angola
+1264: Anguilla
+1268: Antigua and Barbuda
+54: Argentina
+374: Armenia
+247: Ascension
+61: Australia
+43: Austria
+994: Azerbaijan
+1242: Bahamas
+973: Bahrain
+880: Bangladesh
+1246: Barbados
+375: Belarus
+32: Belgium
+501: Belize
+229: Benin
+1441: Bermuda Is.
+591: Bolivia
+267: Botswana
+55: Brazil
+673: Brunei
+359: Bulgaria
+226: Burkina-faso
+257: Burundi
+855: Cambodia
+237: Cameroon
+1: Canada
+1345: Cayman Is.
+236: Central African Republic
+235: Chad
+56: Chile
+86: China
+57: Colombia
+242: Congo
+682: Cook Is.
+506: Costa Rica
+225: Cote d'lvoire
+385: Croatia
+53: Cuba
+5999: Curacao
+357: Cyprus
+420: Czech Republic
+45: Denmark
+253: Djibouti
+1890: Dominica Rep.
+593: Ecuador
+20: Egypt
+503: EI Salvador
+240: Equatorial Guinea
+372: Estonia
+251: Ethiopia
+679: Fiji
+358: Finland
+33: France
+594: French Guiana
+689: French Polynesia
+241: Gabon
+220: Gambia
+995: Georgia
+49: Germany
+233: Ghana
+350: Gibraltar
+30: Greece
+1809: Grenada
+1671: Guam
+502: Guatemala
+224: Guinea
+592: Guyana
+509: Haiti
+504: Honduras
+852: Hongkong
+36: Hungary
+354: Iceland
+91: India
+62: Indonesia
+98: Iran
+964: Iraq
+353: Ireland
+972: Israel
+39: Italy
+225: Ivory Coast
+1876: Jamaica
+81: Japan
+962: Jordan
+327: Kazakstan
+254: Kenya
+82: Korea
+965: Kuwait
+331: Kyrgyzstan
+856: Laos
+371: Latvia
+961: Lebanon
+266: Lesotho
+231: Liberia
+218: Libya
+423: Liechtenstein
+370: Lithuania
+352: Luxembourg
+853: Macao
+389: Macedonia
+261: Madagascar
+265: Malawi
+60: Malaysia
+960: Maldives
+223: Mali
+356: Malta
+1670: Mariana Is
+596: Martinique
+222: Mauritania
+230: Mauritius
+52: Mexico
+373: Moldova Republic of
+377: Monaco
+976: Mongolia
+382: Montenegro
+1664: Montserrat Is
+212: Morocco
+258: Mozambique
+95: Myanmar
+264: Namibia
+674: Nauru
+977: Nepal
+599: Netheriands Antilles
+31: Netherlands
+64: New Zealand
+505: Nicaragua
+227: Niger
+234: Nigeria
+850: North Korea
+47: Norway
+968: Oman
+92: Pakistan
+507: Panama
+675: Papua New Cuinea
+595: Paraguay
+51: Peru
+63: Philippines
+48: Poland
+351: Portugal
+1787: Puerto Rico
+974: Qatar
+262: Reunion
+40: Romania
+7: Russia
+250: Rwanda
+1758: Saint Lueia
+1784: Saint Vincent
+684: Samoa Eastern
+685: Samoa Western
+378: San Marino
+239: Sao Tome and Principe
+966: Saudi Arabia
+221: Senegal
+248: Seychelles
+232: Sierra Leone
+65: Singapore
+421: Slovakia
+386: Slovenia
+677: Solomon Is
+252: Somali
+27: South Africa
+34: Spain
+94: Sri Lanka
+1758: St.Lucia
+1784: St.Vincent
+249: Sudan
+597: Suriname
+268: Swaziland
+46: Sweden
+41: Switzerland
+963: Syria
+886: Taiwan
+992: Tajikstan
+255: Tanzania
+66: Thailand
+228: Togo
+676: Tonga
+1809: Trinidad and Tobago
+216: Tunisia
+90: Turkey
+993: Turkmenistan
+256: Uganda
+380: Ukraine
+971: United Arab Emirates
+44: United Kiongdom
+1: United States of America
+598: Uruguay
+233: Uzbekistan
+58: Venezuela
+84: Vietnam
+967: Yemen
+381: Serbia
+243: Zaire
+260: Zambia
+263: Zimbabwe
+93: Afghanistan
+355: Albania
+213: Algeria
+376: Andorra
+244: Angola
+1264: Anguilla
+1268: Antigua and Barbuda
+54: Argentina
+374: Armenia
+247: Ascension
+61: Australia
+43: Austria
+994: Azerbaijan
+1242: Bahamas
+973: Bahrain
+880: Bangladesh
+1246: Barbados
+375: Belarus
+32: Belgium
+501: Belize
+229: Benin
+1441: Bermuda Is.
+591: Bolivia
+267: Botswana
+55: Brazil
+673: Brunei
+359: Bulgaria
+226: Burkina-faso
+257: Burundi
+855: Cambodia
+237: Cameroon
+1: Canada
+1345: Cayman Is.
+236: Central African Republic
+235: Chad
+56: Chile
+86: China
+57: Colombia
+242: Congo
+682: Cook Is.
+506: Costa Rica
+225: Cote d'lvoire
+385: Croatia
+53: Cuba
+5999: Curacao
+357: Cyprus
+420: Czech Republic
+45: Denmark
+253: Djibouti
+1890: Dominica Rep.
+593: Ecuador
+20: Egypt
+503: EI Salvador
+240: Equatorial Guinea
+372: Estonia
+251: Ethiopia
+679: Fiji
+358: Finland
+33: France
+594: French Guiana
+689: French Polynesia
+241: Gabon
+220: Gambia
+995: Georgia
+49: Germany
+233: Ghana
+350: Gibraltar
+30: Greece
+1809: Grenada
+1671: Guam
+502: Guatemala
+224: Guinea
+592: Guyana
+509: Haiti
+504: Honduras
+852: Hongkong
+36: Hungary
+354: Iceland
+91: India
+62: Indonesia
+98: Iran
+964: Iraq
+353: Ireland
+972: Israel
+39: Italy
+225: Ivory Coast
+1876: Jamaica
+81: Japan
+962: Jordan
+327: Kazakstan
+254: Kenya
+82: Korea
+965: Kuwait
+331: Kyrgyzstan
+856: Laos
+371: Latvia
+961: Lebanon
+266: Lesotho
+231: Liberia
+218: Libya
+423: Liechtenstein
+370: Lithuania
+352: Luxembourg
+853: Macao
+389: Macedonia
+261: Madagascar
+265: Malawi
+60: Malaysia
+960: Maldives
+223: Mali
+356: Malta
+1670: Mariana Is
+596: Martinique
+222: Mauritania
+230: Mauritius
+52: Mexico
+373: Moldova Republic of
+377: Monaco
+976: Mongolia
+382: Montenegro
+1664: Montserrat Is
+212: Morocco
+258: Mozambique
+95: Myanmar
+264: Namibia
+674: Nauru
+977: Nepal
+599: Netheriands Antilles
+31: Netherlands
+64: New Zealand
+505: Nicaragua
+227: Niger
+234: Nigeria
+850: North Korea
+47: Norway
+968: Oman
+92: Pakistan
+507: Panama
+675: Papua New Cuinea
+595: Paraguay
+51: Peru
+63: Philippines
+48: Poland
+351: Portugal
+1787: Puerto Rico
+974: Qatar
+262: Reunion
+40: Romania
+7: Russia
+250: Rwanda
+1758: Saint Lueia
+1784: Saint Vincent
+684: Samoa Eastern
+685: Samoa Western
+378: San Marino
+239: Sao Tome and Principe
+966: Saudi Arabia
+221: Senegal
+248: Seychelles
+232: Sierra Leone
+65: Singapore
+421: Slovakia
+386: Slovenia
+677: Solomon Is
+252: Somali
+27: South Africa
+34: Spain
+94: Sri Lanka
+1758: St.Lucia
+1784: St.Vincent
+249: Sudan
+597: Suriname
+268: Swaziland
+46: Sweden
+41: Switzerland
+963: Syria
+886: Taiwan
+992: Tajikstan
+255: Tanzania
+66: Thailand
+228: Togo
+676: Tonga
+1809: Trinidad and Tobago
+216: Tunisia
+90: Turkey
+993: Turkmenistan
+256: Uganda
+380: Ukraine
+971: United Arab Emirates
+44: United Kiongdom
+1: United States of America
+598: Uruguay
+233: Uzbekistan
+58: Venezuela
+84: Vietnam
+967: Yemen
+381: Serbia
+243: Zaire
+260: Zambia
+263: Zimbabwe
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